July 30, 2024

A Deep Dive into German Strings

Our last post on our "German Strings" has received tremendous attention. We want to follow up on some of your comments and dive deeper into the reasons behind some of our string optimizations.

Christian Winter
Christian Winter
Christian Winter
Christian Winter
A Deep Dive into German Strings

A Deep Dive into German Strings

“Strings are Everywhere”! At least according to a 2018 DBTest Paper from the Hyper team at Tableau. In fact, strings make up nearly half of the data processed at Tableau. This high prevalence undoubtedly applies to many other companies as well, as the paper’s dataset consists of data analyzed by Tableau’s users. The string-heavy nature of the data makes string processing one of the most important tasks of a database system.

In our previous blog post, we introduced you to our optimized string layout German Strings, which was already present in the Hyper system and has since been widely adopted. Our post received a lot of attention and, more importantly, questions about their inner workings. We want to take this oportunity to dive deeper into the nitty-gritty details of their implementation in this post and expand on why the optimizations described in our previous post are necessary for highly performant string processing.

Benefits of a 16B String Representation

First of all, we would like to explain why it is so important to stick to 16 bytes for our string representation.

Space Savings

Let’s start with the obvious benefit of using 16 bytes instead of 24 bytes like C++’s std::string to represent a string: It saves 8 bytes per string. At first glance, these fixed-size savings may seem insignificant for a datatype of variable size. After all, it corresponds to only, depending on string encoding, roughly 8 characters when a short blog post like this has thousands. However, the database system only needs to load the string when it needs to interact with it. For all operators that do not directly modify, aggregate, or sort on the string, the string representation is all that matters.

For example, consider TPC-H query 21 and the output column s_name. Depending on the query plan, 66% of operators processing this supplier name s_name will materialize its string representation without accessing the underlying string values at all. For all of these operators, storing only 16 bytes instead of 24 directly reduces the space required for this column by 33%.

Function Call Optimizations

A way less obivous, but not insignificant, benefit we get from smaller string headers is that it is vastly more efficient to pass our strings to and from functions. The System V calling convention mandates that large structs need to be passed through the stack. However, values up to 16 B will be passed through two registers.

Staying within the magic limit of 16 B is therefore very beneficial, as it avoids a costly round-trip through the stack at every function call. Consider the following small example where we pass two strings to a compare() function:

#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
struct data128_t { uint64_t v[2]; };
void compare(data128_t, data128_t);
void compare(std::string, std::string);

void compareData128() {
    data128_t abc = {0x0300'0000'4142'4300, 0x0300'0000'0000'0000};
    data128_t def = {0x0300'0000'4445'4600, 0x0300'0000'0000'0000};
    compare(abc, def);
void compareStrings() {
    std::string abc = "abc";
    std::string def = "def";
    compare(move(abc), move(def));

Both compareData128 and compareStrings make a call to an unspecified compare function and both compare the strings "abc" and "def". However, compareData128 uses our 16-byte representation while compareStrings uses the std::string representation. If you take a quick look at the generated assembly in the Compiler Explorer, you can see a dramatic difference in the generated code for calls to both functions. Our string format, simulated here with a small struct, is passed directly via CPU registers, resulting in only 4 instructions to execute. The std::string version of the same function, on the other hand, requires a whopping 37 instructions to set up the call. While some of this is due to the mess of C++’s non-destructive moves, there is still a significant difference in the setup of the function call. And with the amount of data that a database system processes on a daily basis, such small differences add up quickly!

Detour: Pointer Tagging

Many of the questions we received were about our use of pointer tagging, which we need to do to stay within the 16-byte limit and get the benefits outlined above. While pointer tagging is in no way specific to German Strings, we want to take a little detour to answer the most frequently asked questions.

Why are you using the most significant bits for tagging?

Pointers can be tagged either in the most significant bits, i.e. the bits that are not yet used, since there are no machines with 128 PiB of RAM, or in the least significant bits. Using tags in the least significant bits has the advantage that these bits are not affected by architecture changes, they are already in use today. And that last part is the problem with using them for tagging. To be able to tag the least-significant two bits, all data must be aligned to 4 bytes, so that these two bits are always guaranteed to be zero. While some datatypes are word-aligned, we want to store our strings as compactly as possible, and therefore require full byte-addressability of our pointers. This rules out the least significant bits for tagging.

Is pointer tagging safe?

It depends. While dereferencing a tagged pointer as-is is not possible on some architectures, no architecture uses all 64 bits of an address. In fact, even the latest extension to x86-64 uses at most 57 bits, leaving 7 bits for the application to cram more information into a pointer. However, some architectures, including x86-64, require pointers to be in canonical form for all memory operations. Therefore, we must make sure to remove all tags before dereferencing the tagged pointer. So for the foreseeable future, it is safe to use pointers tagged in the most significant bits, as long as we remove the tags before using them as actual pointers to memory. Both least-significant and most-significant bit tagging require that the tags be removed before performing memory operations.

Benefits for Handling Short Strings

Let’s get back to our German Strings. Another benefit of our string representation is that we can work with short strings, i.e. those not longer than 12 characters, directly in CPU registers. But even that requires additional care. For example, let’s take a look at string equality checks:

#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
struct data128_t { uint64_t v[2]; };

bool isEqual(data128_t a, data128_t b) {
    if (a.v[0] != b.v[0]) return false;
    auto len = (uint32_t) a.v[0];
    if (len <= 12) return a.v[1] == b.v[1];
    return memcmp((char*) a.v[1], (char*) b.v[1], len) == 0;

bool isEqualAlt(data128_t a, data128_t b) {
    auto aLen = (uint32_t) a.v[0];
    auto aPtr = aLen <= 12 ? (char*)&a.v + 4 : (char*)a.v[1]; 
    auto bLen = (uint32_t) b.v[0];
    auto bPtr = bLen <= 12 ? (char*)&b.v + 4 : (char*)b.v[1];
    return memcmp(aPtr, bPtr, aLen) == 0;

Both isEqual and isEqualAlt do the same thing. However, in isEqual we add a special path to take advantage of our string layout. For joins and filters in a database system, the vast majority of comparisons will usually result in an inequality. To optimize for this path, we first check that both strings have the same length and prefix, which can be done with a simple register comparison of the first 8 bytes of our string layout. This check will fail for most cases, allowing us to answer the vast majority of string comparisons without actually looking at the strings with a very cheap CMP instruction.

For strings that fit into our short string representation, we can add an additional optimization path. Instead of pushing string pointers to the stack and calling memcmp, we can answer the equality comparison by simply comparing the second 8 bytes in another integer comparison.

In the generated code on Compiler Explorer, you can see that for the same job, isEqualAlt has to perform several operations on the stack. From the operations alone, you can see that this is obviously much more expensive than shuffling registers.


We hope this little deep dive could answer some of the open questions around our German Strings. If you don’t want to miss out on future deep dives, make sure to sign up to our waitlist and the attached newsletter!

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