JavaScript Client
You can use node-postgres to connect to CedarDB.
You can install the node-postgres library directly from npm:
npm install pg
Now you can use node-postgres:
import pg from 'pg'
const { Client } = pg
Connect to CedarDB like this:
const client = new Client({host: 'localhost', user: '<username>', password: '<password>', database: '<dbname>'})
await client.connect()
Inserting Data
You can insert entries using queries:
await client.query('create table chatlog(userid integer, message text, ts timestamp)');
await client.query({text: 'insert into chatlog values ($1, $2, $3)', values: [0, 'hello', new Date()]});
You can now query the data contained in the table:
console.log((await client.query('select * from chatlog')).rows)
To efficiently execute many queries, you can batch the queries into one async transaction to avoid the repeated round-trip latency. Or insert a set of data:
let promises = []
for (let i = 1; i < 100; i++) {
const query = {name: 'do-insert', text: 'insert into chatlog values ($1, $2, $3)', values: [i, 'hello', new Date()]}
await Promise.all(promises)
Source Code
Open to show the complete sample code
'use strict';
// Install dependencies with:
// $ npm install pg
const { default: pg } = await import("pg");
const { Client } = pg;
// Connect to CedarDB
const client = new Client({host: '/tmp', user: 'postgres', database: 'postgres'});
await client.connect();
// Create a table and insert some data
await client.query('create table chatlog(userid integer, message text, ts timestamp)');
await client.query({text: 'insert into chatlog values ($1, $2, $3)', values: [0, 'hello', new Date()]});
// Execute a query
console.log(await client.query('select * from chatlog'))
// Insert many values asynchronously
let promises = []
for (let i = 1; i < 100; i++) {
const query = {name: 'do-insert', text: 'insert into chatlog values ($1, $2, $3)', values: [i, 'hello', new Date()]}
await Promise.all(promises)
// Read all values back again
console.log(await client.query('select * from chatlog'))
await client.end()