NASDAQ Order Data

NASDAQ Level 3 Order Data

NASDAQ provides dumps of real-time orders for some trading days free of charge. This guide will show you how to parse it and import it into CedarDB for analysis.

What is order data?

High-frequency traders, quantitative analysts, and institutional investors depend on knowing the exact state of the market at any time to base their investment decisions on. To this end, exchanges like the NASDAQ or NYSE offer live market data which interested parties can then consume with specialized tools to recreate the exchange state, the so-called order book in real time.

The holy grail of this live market data is the Level III order book data. It not only shows the current market price of any given stock but all orders that are currently active. The exact format of orders differ between exchanges, but it generally has the following format:


In this example, order 1 wants to buy 5 apple shares at $225.49 and order 2 wants to sell at $225.52. Since they don’t agree on a price, they aren’t matched and both pending orders are active in the system at the same time.

Whenever orders are matched, we get an execution event with roughly the following format:


It seems like someone took the issuer of order 1 up on their offer and bought 2 shares for a price of $225.49. The state of the order book now looks like this:


The market price of AAPL is now $225.49 since this was the last price at which it was actively traded.

Issuer of order number 2 now notices nobody wants to buy at their price and reduces their ask:


As you can see, the updated order is a new event which references the old event it supersedes. As orders are immutable, the system has to keep track of which orders are still active and which are replaced.

Buy processing the order and execution streams, we can reconstruct the complete state of the exchange.

Obtaining the data

You can use the script from the examples repository to automatically download, extract, and preprocess the dataset:

git clone
cd examples/nasdaq

It downloads the dataset directly from NASDAQ. There is data for multiple full trading days (approx. one a year). We chose January 30, 2020 since it was the most busy and recent trading day available.

The data comes in the NASDAQ ITCH v5.0 protocol format:

$ hexdump -C -n 100 01302020.NASDAQ_ITCH50 
00000000  00 0c 53 00 00 00 00 09  f6 49 c8 0c d3 4f 00 27  |..S......I...O.'|
00000010  52 00 01 00 00 0a 37 d4  c8 05 0b 41 20 20 20 20  |R.....7....A    |
00000020  20 20 20 4e 20 00 00 00  64 4e 43 5a 20 50 4e 20  |   N ...dNCZ PN |
00000030  31 4e 00 00 00 00 4e 00  27 52 00 02 00 00 0a 37  |1N....N.'R.....7|
00000040  d4 c9 da 87 41 41 20 20  20 20 20 20 4e 20 00 00  |....AA      N ..|
00000050  00 64 4e 43 5a 20 50 4e  20 31 4e 00 00 00 01 4e  |.dNCZ PN 1N....N|
00000060  00 27 52 00                                       |.'R.|

We have written a Python parser to transform this into human readable CSV files. It is automatically invoked by the script.

The gzip archive is about 5.2 GB to download, which decompresses to about 13 GB and deserializes to 16 GB of CSV.

The schema

Here’s the corresponding SQL schema for the csv tables:

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS cancellations;

    stockId                     int primary key,
    name                        text unique,
    marketCategory              text,
    financialStatusIndicator    text,
    roundLotSize                int,
    roundLotsOnly               bool,
    issueClassification         text,
    issueSubType                text,
    authenticity                text,
    shortSaleThresholdIndicator bool,
    IPOFlag                     bool,
    LULDReferencePriceTier      text,
    ETPFlag                     bool,
    ETPLeverageFactor           int,
    InverseIndicator            bool

CREATE TABLE marketmakers
    timestamp   bigint,
    stockId     int,
    name        text,
    isPrimary   bool,
    mode        text,
    state       text

    stockId     int not null,
    timestamp   bigint not null,
    orderId     bigint primary key not null,
    side        text,
    quantity    int not null,
    price       numeric(10,4) not null,
    attribution text,
    prevOrder   bigint

CREATE TABLE executions
    timestamp   bigint not null,
    orderId     bigint,
    stockId     int not null,
    quantity    int not null,
    price       numeric(10,4)

CREATE TABLE cancellations
    timestamp   bigint not null,
    orderId     bigint not null,
    stockId     int not null,
    quantity    int

Loading the data

Let’s load the data into CedarDB:

\i schema.sql
\copy stocks from 'stocks.csv' DELIMITER ';' CSV NULL '' ESCAPE '\' HEADER;
\copy marketMakers from 'marketMakers.csv' DELIMITER ';' CSV NULL '' ESCAPE '\' HEADER;
\copy executions from 'executions.csv' DELIMITER ';' CSV NULL '' ESCAPE '\' HEADER;
\copy orders from 'orders.csv' DELIMITER ';' CSV NULL '' ESCAPE '\' HEADER;
\copy cancellations from 'cancellations.csv' DELIMITER ';' CSV NULL '' ESCAPE '\' HEADER;

\copy is easy to use, but slow: It forces the client to serialize all data and send it to CedarDB over the network. If we mount the data directly into the CedarDB docker container, we can considerably speed up the import process:

docker run --rm -p 5432:5432 -e CEDAR_PASSWORD=postgres -v /path/to/the/csvs:/data cedardb
\i schema.sql
copy stocks from '/data/stocks.csv' DELIMITER ';' NULL '' ESCAPE '\' HEADER;
copy marketMakers from '/data/marketMakers.csv' DELIMITER ';' NULL '' ESCAPE '\' HEADER;
copy executions from '/data/executions.csv' DELIMITER ';' NULL '' ESCAPE '\' HEADER;
copy orders from '/data/orders.csv' DELIMITER ';' NULL '' ESCAPE '\' HEADER;
copy cancellations from '/data/cancellations.csv' DELIMITER ';' NULL '' ESCAPE '\' HEADER;

This cuts the import time from ~3 minutes to 1 minute!


Let’s run some queries to gain some insight!

What was the price of one Apple share at end of day?

The canonical stock price is by definition the price of the last executed order, i.e. the price where the timestamp is the largest. Since executions usually don’t come with a price attached (except for some special cases), we have to look up the price in the matching order if it is null.

select arg_max(coalesce(e.price, o.price), e.timestamp) as price
from executions e, stocks s, orders o
where e.stockid = s.stockid 
    and e.orderid = o.orderid
    and = 'AAPL';
(1 row)

Time: 11.413 ms

How many new orders in a trading day?

All orders that don’t supersede another order are new:

select count(*) as new from orders where prevOrder is null;
(1 row)

Time: 28.361 ms

Most executions of a single order

An order can be executed multiple times (e.g., a market participant creates sell order for 1000 Apple shares which are then bought one by one by 1000 different buyers). Let’s print a histogram on how often orders are executed:

with executions_per_order as (
    select orderid, count(*) as num from executions where orderid is not null group by orderid
select num as executions, count(*) from executions_per_order group by num order by num asc;
 executions |  count  
          1 | 5575247
          2 |  841766
          3 |  203629
          4 |   65619
          5 |   25640
          6 |   11436
          7 |    5907
          8 |    3347
          9 |    1955
         10 |    1272
         83 |       2
         85 |       1
         92 |       2
         94 |       1
         95 |       1
         97 |       1
         99 |       1
        154 |       1
        188 |       1
        242 |       1
        283 |       1

Time: 90.459 ms

Quite a long tail!

The 100 biggest trades

Let’s find the 100 trades with the most volume, calculated by price * quantity.

with priced_executions as(
    select e.*, coalesce(e.price, o.price) as real_price 
    from orders o, executions e 
    where e.orderId = o.orderId)
select name as ticker, quantity, real_price as price, quantity*real_price as total 
from priced_executions pe, stocks s
where pe.stockid = s.stockid
order by quantity * real_price desc limit 10;
 ticker | quantity |   price   |    total     
 TSLA   |    14549 |  647.0000 | 9413203.0000
 AMZN   |     4455 | 1860.5000 | 8288527.5000
 TSLA   |     9912 |  646.4900 | 6408008.8800
 AVGO   |    19744 |  315.0000 | 6219360.0000
 TSLA   |    10000 |  620.0000 | 6200000.0000
 TSLA   |     9189 |  644.0000 | 5917716.0000
 AMZN   |     2700 | 2039.7900 | 5507433.0000
 AMZN   |     2500 | 2028.7600 | 5071900.0000
 TSLA   |     7722 |  646.6700 | 4993585.7400
 AMZN   |     2465 | 2003.2500 | 4938011.2500
(10 rows)

Time: 716.949 ms

Orders that took the longest to be executed

Which market participants where the most patient? I.e., which order took the longest from being created to being executed without it being changed in between.

with exec_distance as (
    select as ticker, 
        o.side, coalesce(e.price, o.price) as price, 
        o.quantity as orderquant, 
        e.quantity as executedquant, 
        round((e.timestamp - o.timestamp) / (1000.0 * 1000 * 1000 * 60))::int as minutes
    from orders o, executions e, stocks s
    where o.orderId = e.orderId 
        and e.stockid = s.stockid
select *
from exec_distance
order by minutes desc limit 10;
 ticker | side |  price  | orderquant | executedquant | minutes 
 INO    | SELL |  5.0400 |       1000 |           950 |     611
 INO    | SELL |  5.0000 |        100 |           100 |     605
 ERIC   | SELL |  8.0300 |        300 |           250 |     581
 ZVZZT  | BUY  |  9.9900 |        100 |           100 |     578
 ZVZZT  | BUY  |  9.9900 |        100 |            13 |     578
 ZVZZT  | BUY  |  9.9900 |        100 |            87 |     578
 ZVZZT  | BUY  |  9.9900 |        100 |            13 |     578
 PS     | SELL | 20.0600 |        100 |            10 |     577
 INO    | SELL |  5.0000 |         18 |            18 |     575
 INO    | SELL |  4.8800 |       4000 |          1000 |     569
(10 rows)

Time: 896.267 ms

Plot the trading activity

Let’s take a look at how the trading activity changes over the trading day. We can use R with ggplot to generate a nice graph of all activity:

#install.packages(c("RPostgres", "ggplot2"))

# Connect to CedarDB
con <- dbConnect(RPostgres::Postgres(), host="localhost", user="postgres", password="postgres", dbname="postgres")

ordersHistogram <- dbGetQuery(con, "
with limits as (
    select 34200000000000 as start, -- 9:30 AM (market open)
    57600000000000 - 1 as end, -- just before 4:00 PM (market close)
    60::bigint * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 as step -- bin size of 1 minute
), bins as (
    select generate_series(l.start, l.end, l.step) as time
    from limits l
), events as (
  select timestamp, orderid, 'exec' as type from executions
  union all
  select timestamp, orderid, 'new' as type from orders where prevOrder is null
  union all
  select timestamp, orderid, 'update' as type from orders where prevOrder is not null
  union all
  select timestamp, orderid, 'cancel' as type from cancellations
), binned as (
    select b.time, event.*
    from limits l, bins b left outer join events event on (event.timestamp >= b.time
    and event.timestamp < b.time + l.step )
select (time - start) / (step * 60.0) as hours, type, count(*) / 60 as eventspersecond
from binned, limits
group by hours, type
order by hours asc;

ggplot(ordersHistogram) + geom_line(aes(x=hours, y=eventspersecond, color=type))
ggsave("nasdaq.png", width = 8, height = 4.5, dpi = 200)

We can now create the plot with Rscript nasdaq.R. This takes about 10 seconds to execute on a standard laptop:


Interesting! Most orders are canceled and only a small part of all incoming orders are executed. Most market participants don’t seem to have an interest in their orders actually going through. An insight that wouldn’t have been possible with more coarse grained market data.