Quick Start
Welcome to CedarDB! This quick start guide is designed to get you up and running with CedarDB within minutes. This guide will cover the essential steps to get CedarDB running on your system and provide some simple examples to demonstrate how to interact with CedarDB.
You need Docker and the psql
command line tool to run CedarDB.
On Ubuntu, you can install the psql
command line tool with apt install postgresql-client
Get the docker file
Interested in getting the Docker image? Join our waitlist and be among the first to get access to CedarDB!
Build the docker image
Go to the path where you have downloaded the CedarDB docker file and run
docker build -t cedardb .
Launch the docker container
# Start the container
docker run --rm -p 5432:5432 -e CEDAR_PASSWORD=test --name cedardb_test cedardb
This will create a temporary database that is automatically wiped when the docker container is stopped.
Connect to CedarDB
psql -h localhost -U postgres
# <Enter the CEDAR_PASSWORD (test) as password>
postgres= SELECT 1 as foo;
(1 row)
Congrats, you’re now ready to process some data!
Create some tables
Let’s create some tables to store a small movie database. You can use normal SQL DDL statements:
create table movies (
id integer primary key,
title text,
year integer,
length integer,
genre text
create table stars (
id integer primary key,
name text,
wikiLink text,
gender char,
birthdate date
create table starsIn (
movieId integer references movies,
starId integer references stars
Load some data
After we have created our database, we can fill it with data. For loading data, you have multiple options:
Plain Inserts
For this, use the INSERT
insert into movies values
(1, 'Oppenheimer', 2023, 180, 'Biopic'),
(2, 'Everything Everywhere All at Once', 2022, 139, 'Science Fiction'),
(3, 'Das Boot', 1981, 149, 'Drama');
Importing from CSV
If you have already stored your data as CSV format like such:
1,Cilian Murphy,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cillian_Murphy,M,1976-05-25
2,Emily Blunt,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emily_Blunt,F,1983-02-23
3,Michelle Yeoh,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michelle_Yeoh,F,1962-08-06
4,Jürgen Prochnow,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jürgen_Prochnow,M,1941-06-10
You can do a bulk import:
\copy stars from 'stars.csv' delimiter ',';
Importing an SQL dump
You might have exported your data from another database system as SQL dump:
insert into starsIn values (1, 1);
insert into starsIn values (1, 2);
insert into starsIn values (2, 3);
insert into starsIn values (3, 4);
CedarDB can directly import and execute such a file from the shell:
\i dump.sql
Query your dataset
CedarDB supports standard SQL for querying data.
The following query returns the average length of all movies:
select avg(length) from movies;
CedarDB also supports all the features you might expect from a modern SQL database system. For example, the following query calculating the average age of actors by genre utilizes joins and complex date calculations:
select m.genre, avg(extract(year from justify_interval(current_date - birthdate))) as age
from movies m
join starsIn si on m.id = si.movieId
join stars s on s.id = si.starId
group by m.genre;
genre age
Biopic 44.50
Science Fiction 62.00
Drama 83.00
Teaser: CedarDB thrives on complex queries
Take, for example, the following query determining the oldest star of each movie. Many database systems struggle with such nested queries. CedarDBs sophisticated query optimizer efficiently evaluates such nested queries.
select m.title, s.name
from movies m, starsIn si, stars s -- For each movie/star pair ...
where m.id = si.movieId
and s.id = si.starId
and s.birthdate = (
select min(s2.birthdate) -- ... check all other stars to see whether they are older
from stars s2, starsIn si2 -- This is a dependent join with quadratic runtime in most database systems
where s2.id = si2.starId -- CedarDB can unnest it and evaluate it in linear runtime
and si2.movieId = si.movieId
title name
Oppenheimer Cilian Murphy
Everything Everywhere All at Once Michelle Yeoh
Das Boot Jürgen Prochnow
Modify your dataset
You can update existing rows with the update
command. The following command updates Michelle Yeoh’s name to its simplified chinese spelling:
update stars set name = '杨紫琼' where name = 'Michelle Yeoh';
Similarly, you can delete rows with the delete
command. The following command deletes all movies which are not associated with any stars:
delete from movies m
where not exists
(select * from starsIn si where si.movieId = m.id);
What’s next?
- Ready to move beyond simplistic examples? Navigate to the recipes in the Data Cookbook to import your own substantial datasets.
- Seeking further inspiration or aiming to benchmark CedarDB in complex scenarios? Delve into our curated sample datasets.
- For an in-depth understanding of CedarDB’s features and utilization guidelines, refer to the detailed explanations in the guide section.