Reference: Interval Data Types

Intervals are a convenient way for arithmetic on date, time, and timestamp data. You can specify intervals in quantities of calendar units like day or month, with at most microseconds granularity. You can find a complete list of input units and options in the PostgreSQL docs.

Usage Example

create table example (
    duration interval
insert into example
    values (interval '90' day), (interval '3 week'), (interval '1 month 1 day');
select * from example;
 90 00:00:00
 21 00:00:00
 0-1 1 00:00:00
(3 rows)
By default, CedarDB uses the SQL standard format, which has a terse syntax. If you prefer human-readable output, consider changing the output format to PostgreSQL style:
set IntervalStyle to 'postgres';

Why Intervals?

Date arithmetic with intervals automatically handle edge-cases like the irregular month lengths and leap years by using CedarDBs calendar for calculations.

select date '2024-05-31' + interval '1' month, date '2024-05-31' + interval '2' month;
      ?column?       |      ?column?       
 2024-06-30 00:00:00 | 2024-07-31 00:00:00
(1 row)
select date '2024-02-28' + interval '2' day;
 2024-03-01 00:00:00
(1 row)