Reference: SQL Expressions
CedarDB supports many expressions that manipulate data:
- Abs (
) - Access
- And (
) - At time zone
- Between, between symmetric
- Bit and (
) - Bit or (
) - Bit xor (
) - Case-insensitive like (
), negated (not ilike
) - Case-insensitive regular expression (
), negated (!~*
) - Casting (
) - Coalesce
- Concat (
) - Conditionals (
case when
) - Contains (
) - Cube root (
) - Div (
) - Equal (
), not equal (<>
) - Exists subquery
- Factorial (
) - Greater (
) - Greater or equal (
) - Greatest / Least
- In
- Is contained (
) - Is distinct from
- Is null
- Less (
) - Less or equal (
) - Like (
), not like (not like
) - Minus (
) - Mod (
) - Mul (
) - Nullif
- Or
- Plus (
) - Pow (
) - Regular expressions matching (
), negated (!~
) - Scalar subquery
- Shift left bitwise (
) - Shift right bitwise (
) - Similar to
- Square root (
) - Try
- Unique subquery