Reference: SQL Expressions

CedarDB supports many expressions that manipulate data:

  • Abs (@)
  • Access ->, ->>
  • And (&&)
  • At time zone
  • Between, between symmetric
  • Bit and (&)
  • Bit or (|)
  • Bit xor (#)
  • Case-insensitive like (ilike, ~~*), negated (not ilike, !~~*)
  • Case-insensitive regular expression (~*), negated (!~*)
  • Casting (::)
  • Coalesce
  • Concat (||)
  • Conditionals (case when)
  • Contains (@>)
  • Cube root (||/)
  • Div (/)
  • Equal (=, ==), not equal (<>, !=)
  • Exists subquery
  • Factorial (!, !!)
  • Greater (>)
  • Greater or equal (>=)
  • Greatest / Least
  • In
  • Is contained (<@)
  • Is distinct from
  • Is null
  • Less (<)
  • Less or equal (<=)
  • Like (like, ~~), not like (not like, !~~)
  • Minus (-)
  • Mod (%)
  • Mul (*)
  • Nullif
  • Or
  • Plus (+)
  • Pow (^)
  • Regular expressions matching (~), negated (!~)
  • Scalar subquery
  • Shift left bitwise (<<)
  • Shift right bitwise (>>)
  • Similar to
  • Square root (|/)
  • Try
  • Unique subquery