September 2024

Feature Harvest

October 16, 2024

We hope you had a cozy September! There was a rich feature harvest in the time series and transactional fields of CedarDB this month, and we added both Upserts and AsOf joins.

But that is not all that is new:

What’s new at CedarDB

We kept busy with our Blog:

  • To start off, we explored why RAM locality alone is not enough for fast data processing. In our search for the hidden costs of data movement, we showed what you can do to get the most out of your CPU cycles and crowned the new king of analytics - register locality.
  • Further focusing on the impact of design decisions on analytical performance, we outlined why you should optimize the data layout too. If you ever wondered how data layout can affect access performance and compression, take a look at this post!

Database Changes

Double Feature release & more

  • CedarDB now supports Upserts! In addition to ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING, which was available before already, CedarDB now supports full upserts with ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE!
  • CedarDB now supports AsOf joins! The second major addition this month allows you to process time series data with even greater ease using AsOf joins.
  • To make it easier to keep your CedarDB deployment up to date, our Docker image now notifies you when a new version is available.
  • Doing justice to the huge populace on Lord Howe Island and the Troll research station in Antarctica, we now parse summer times correctly for time zones where the summer time offset is not exactly one hour.
  • We have added support for even more aggregation functions.
  • Various improvements to cardinality estimation and join ordering that result in more efficient execution plans for a lot of queries.
  • Finally, we have again extended PostgreSQL compatibility with a number of features. These features include the addition of the has_column_privilege() and has_function privilege() functions, improvements to pg_attribute, pg_type, pg_timezone_names, and pg_timezone_abbrevs system views and tables, support for pg_regclass casts for system tables, and PostgresSQL-compliant bytea sorting and BigNumeric truncation.

Thank you!

That’s all for today. We’re looking forward to sharing more awesome progress in our next newsletter!

Until next time!

Your CedarDB Team